I'm not crying, you're crying.
You'll get access to recent coaching calls that you've missed (woo hoo!) plus any resources, worksheets and handouts moving forward. You'll be supported every. single. day. of the year. Who else believes in you this much?
Celebrate your wins, create monthly goals, share your progress and cheer on others throughout the month in the online community! Get a cheerleader in your corner for the entire year! All for less than $1.50 a day!
Practice your biggest and scariest pitches! Try out new subject lines, get ideas for your next live show, bounce ideas off of an engaged community. The Elite is a safe community where you'll get constructive feedback and space to be the best you!
Learn how to take action in the face of fear... actions that will start having you rake in consistent income. Shift your mindset to shift your bank account. With monthly calls, you won't get off track!
Get access to one of the best coaches in the business. Cheryl has coached over 50 musicians to massive success. From making $10 a month to $3000 regularly, from performing in churches to being sponsored by the biggest instrument company in America... and more.
I'm Cheryl B. Engelhardt, and I'm so glad you're here. It took me YEARS as an indie, DIY singer-songwriter trying ALL OF THE THINGS to book successful tours, fan fund records, and get my music placed on TV shows all while engaging with my fans and keeping them up-to-date, even when I didn't have much to talk about.
Now, I have an active and engaged (aka THEY PAY FOR STUFF) fan base, thanks to the processes and tools I lay out in my recourses at In The Key Of Success.
I created my courses on Pitching, Email, and Branding because so many other musicians started asking me how to keep fans engaged, how to sell music to them without sounding like a cars salesman and how to create superfans from regular people like you and me. I looked closely at what I was doing, and voila, came up with the stuff.
And the reason is that I love musicians. I am a musician. This community is the place to bring it all together.
Here's to your success! I cannot wait to hear about it in the group!
~ Cheryl
Can't commit? Give it a month! Slow and steady? Pay for half a year. Know you're here for the long-haul? Pay yearly and get a month free + more savings!
while trying not to make TOO many obscene gestures. Stephanie is the newest member of team In The Key Elite, a certified therapist, public speaker, and entrepreneur coach, she's 100% committed to your success. Which we can help you get to when you're a member of this amazing community.
Get access to all the things for a single week. If it's a fit, upgrade!